Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shorty Awards

Hey there, hypothetical readers. Nurse K at Crass-Pollination is up for a Shorty Award in the #nurse category. If you want to vote for her (which you totally should), fire up your Twitter account and go here. Make sure to list a reason, and vote by March 25th!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Change of Shift!

Hey, the new Change of Shift is up at Emergiblog! Hurrah! I'm also looking forward to getting my hands on Chocolate & Vicodin, which is a book reviewed in the previous post there. I would also enjoy some actual chocolate right about now. No thanks on the Vicodin, though.

(Speaking of narcotics, I like to read Penelope Trunk, and I seem to recall her tweeting once about being tired and taking a Percocet, thinking it would perk her up. Naturally, that did not turn out in the way she expected!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Philip Glass is in the house

At volunteering this week, someone was channeling the spirit of Philip Glass, seriously. I went into his room and he was just sitting on the bed chanting numbers. Usually the same one, but occasionally he'd switch it up a little. Not sure what was wrong with him...

(There's an opera by Philip Glass, a modern, minimalist composer, called Einstein on the Beach, and large parts of it pretty much involve people chant-singing numbers over and over.)