I'm not sure if I've ever seen a blog with a great first post; if I have, clearly it wasn't particularly outstanding (or I would have remembered it). With that in mind, I'll avoid trying to make this post really profound, and instead just give an introduction.
I want to go into nursing... I think. I thought for a little while that I wanted to become a doctor, until I did a cold, dispassionate cost-benefit analysis and realized that the training process was not worth it to me, even with the prestige factored in as a benefit. I have a BA in Impractical Studies, and I'm currently trying to decide between applying to PA school and applying to some variety of nursing school--accelerated BSN? BSN/MSN? Graduate entry RN/MSN? BSN followed later by an MPH? Or PhD? The options are dizzying. I'm pretty sure nursing will win out (if not, I guess I'll have to change the blog title to NonPAreil or something cheesy like that). As of right now, I want a career that combines clinical work with research, but I could do that even if I just get the RN alone, I suppose, so that doesn't really narrow my options down.
My main interests within healthcare so far are women's health (I'm more on the Gyn side than the Ob side), primary care, and neurology. That being said, I think I could be convinced to become interested in almost anything.
Right now, I work as a research assistant at a large university. I've been thinking about becoming certified as a CNA, just to get some practical experience (and so that I can stop volunteering! ha). I've volunteered in a couple different capacities, and I might be starting a volunteer position in an ICU soon, which should be interesting.
Things I love include but are not limited to: cheese, math, opera, and my spouse.
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